Many PMP exam simulators are available on the market. Some are free to use and the comprehensives ones can be purchased. When you are preparing for the PMP exam, making sure that your preparation is good, you need to have a comprehensive PMP exam simulator to assess your weaknesses and strengths about the subject. In this Master of Project Academy PMP exam simulator review, you will learn about the price of this simulator, the quality and number of questions in it, information about its user-friendliness, and also about the free demo. You can read our Best PMP Exam Simulator post.
If you have now decided to do the PMP exam, you must invest some money in a comprehensive exam simulator to complete your PMP exam preparation. It is not recommended that you finalize your PMP exam study without assessing yourself. You can do that by practicing sample exam questions. Let me tell you that the majority of those who did not practice the sample questions found the questions in the exam difficult. Or some candidates did not even understand what the questions were asking about. Because they missed studying completely about a few things from the PMBOK guide.
There are many PMP exam simulators available in the market. We have also reviewed the top 5 PMP exam simulators. Below, we have provided the Master of Project Academy PMP exam simulator review in detail. You can get every information they need to help them finalize their decision in the purchase of this simulator.
Master of Project Academy PMP Exam Simulator Review
The simulator is available online. This means it does not need to be downloaded then installed before you could use it. All you need to use the simulator is access to the Master of Project website. After making the subscription purchase, open the Master of Project website. And start using it right away! Unlike some software that needs to be installed first, the Master of Project PMP exam simulator is available online. Hence it saves your time. It also saves you from having the skill to download, install, and configure the software before you use it.
The Master of Project Academy PMP Exam Simulator is price worthy. You have the option to buy the subscription for each month or for a lifetime. With the price tag of only $57 a month or just $177 for an unlimited time subscription, the Master of Project Academy PMP exam simulator stands unbeatable. A comparison of other comprehensive PMP exam simulators was done here. You will find out in this link that price-wise, and while counting in all the other important factors, the simulator is worth every penny that you will spend.
There is no condition of a minimum number of months to purchase the subscription. If you need it only for a month, you can buy a one-month subscription, at the same price. They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee too. If you are not satisfied with the simulator, they will refund all your money and no questions will be asked!
We encourage you to continue reading this Master of Project Academy PMP exam simulator review to find out more about this useful tool. Once you have read all about the Master of Project Academy PMP exam simulator, please be rest assured to be convinced of the benefits of using this simulator over many other simulators available in the market.
The User Interface of the Master of Project PMP exam simulator
One of the good qualities of any software either desktop or web software is that it should have a user-friendly layout. It should also use a font and text size which is easily readable and does not strain your eyes while you are reading the text.
If you look at the screenshots (below) of the exam questions from the Master of Project exam simulator, you will notice that the questions as well as the answers are prominently visible. They aksı are very easy to read, without putting a strain on the eyes.
The questions in the simulator are displayed vertically on the page. When you are doing the exam, you will just be scrolling down the page to view the questions. For the ease of the user, many questions are displayed on one page. This is unlike some simulators where you have to click the next button to see every next question. Needing to click the next button every time distracts you from focusing on the questions. Hence the Master of Project PMP exam simulator does not display that characteristic. Attempting the questions is easy. You will just click the left mouse button to select the chosen answer as shown in the screenshot below.
When you are finished with the exam, clicking the Finish button will display your score. The correct answers with rationales for all the questions will also be displayed for your better understanding of the topic.
Not all simulators will give you rationales. So choosing the Master of Project Academy PMP exam simulator is also advantageous. Because it shows you not only the correct answers but also the rationales to show reasons why your answer is correct or wrong.
Quality of Questions
The Master of Project Academy has spent a whole lot of hours carefully creating the PMP exam questions for their PMP exam simulator. All the questions that you will find in the simulator are perfectly aligned with the PMBOK guide. They are also very similar to the actual PMP exam questions. They cover all of the Knowledge Areas and all the Process Groups. Additionally, they are based on real-life situations. Moreover, you will not find duplicate questions, irrelevant questions, or answers in this simulator. They are also safe from grammatical or spelling mistakes!
In the simulator, there are 1,400 sample questions, which are more than enough to practice. You can attempt these questions in seven separate tests. These tests are designed to measure your knowledge and understanding of the entire PMBOK. Once you have gone through these questions in the test, you will see the score and get an idea of where your knowledge truly lies.
The User Reviews of the Master of Project PMP exam simulator
The reviews on the Master of Project website endorses the worthy quality of the questions in the software. One simulator user wrote a Master of Project Academy PMP exam simulator review. In which he said this about the simulator:
“When my PMP training was completed, I wanted to have some sample exam questions to practice. I was looking for these on the Internet. I found many free and paid resources but none of those were as good and comprehensive as Master of Project Academy’s PMP Exam Simulator. The great part of this simulator is that when you had an incorrect answer, you can read the rationales and know what you did wrong. I would say that this is definitely the best PMP exam simulator indeed.”
Another user wrote this in the Master of Project Academy PMP exam simulator review:
“The Master of Project exam simulator really helped me know my readiness and weaknesses before I write the PMP exam. I got the chance to see many types of PMP exam questions. Every exam question comes with nice explanations that help me see where I made mistakes. I revisited the relevant knowledge areas before the PMP exam day.”
After reading the Master of Project Academy PMP Exam Simulator review above, I am sure you will make your mind to purchasing this simulator for your PMP exam preparation.
Free Demo
A demo version of the Master of Project Academy PMP Exam simulator is available to download for free. The demo version contains seven realistic PMP exam questions for you to see the quality of the other questions in the simulator. Attempt the questions, see the answers, and the rationales to know how worthy this simulator is. We have also explained the characteristics and quality of the simulator. Now that you have learned well about it, we encourage you to access its demo version now. So you can see for yourself how this simulator fits your needs!
In this Master of Project Academy PMP Exam Simulator review, we have explained the advantages of using the Master of Project Academy PMP exam simulator. As we learned above, this simulator boasts a high rating due to many factors such as quality of questions, subscription packages, and ease of use.
We encourage those who are studying for the PMP exam not to complete their study without assessing themselves with the help of sample PMP exam questions. The more questions you will practice, the more you will be improving your knowledge and understanding of the project management concepts, tools, inputs, and outputs. Not only this, but you will also know something you missed to study in the book, which you will then add in your exam preparation.
The Master of Project Academy has over 125,000 clients in 180+ countries who obtained training from them or used their PMP exam simulator. They ensure that their products and services are of the highest class. They also encourage you to try the simulator by accessing the demo. So that you can be one of the thousands of other happy customers who passed their exam using the simulator.