In this article, I will review Rita PMP Exam Simulator. But why use a PMP exam simulator? You probably have a professional business life and are preparing for the PMP Certification exam. In this case, the pressures of business life are likely to negatively affect your exam preparation process. A minimum of 3 months is recommended for PMP exam preparation. Even working hard and for long periods, you will probably hear an inner voice in your head saying “you’re not good enough for the exam”. If you ignore, this critical voice will get louder and more toxic: “I spent a lot of time, but I wonder if did I work effectively?”, “I wonder how the exam questions will be?” What do I do if I can’t finish the exam in time?”

There is a method to avoid this, that will prepare you for the exam, help you gain your self-confidence, shorten your study time, double the chance to pass the PMP exam, and manage your exam time effectively: PMP Exam Simulators. Yes, I’ve mentioned before, I will review PM FASTrack (or Rita PMP Exam Simulator) in detail in this post. You can see our PMP exam simulator reviews in our Best PMP Exam Simulator post.

Rita PMP Exam Simulator

Rita PMP Exam Simulator Review

PM FASTrack is a PMP exam simulator where you can focus tests on process groups, knowledge areas or concepts, or experience the PMP exam in a real-like fashion. Didn’t you understand an answer from the sample exams and want to learn more about it? PM FASTrack will direct you to the corresponding page number in the PMBOK guide in its detailed explanations for each question. When you finish your PMP practice exam, PM FastTrack will show you detailed statistics and customized reports based on your answers. Thus, you can organize your work by knowing your strengths and weaknesses. This simulator is available completely online. With the online system of Rita PMP Exam Simulator, you can take PMP practice exams wherever you are, at home, at work, or on the go.

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About Rita Mulcahy

I will brief you on these features that I mentioned, but first of all, “Who is Rita Mulcahy?”, “How did Rita PMP Exam Simulator PM FASTrack develop?”. I would like to answer these questions. Rita Mulcahy has worked for many years as a trainer and consultant in the field of project management. When she got her PMP certification, she was disappointed with the lack of PMP exam preparation materials. She then created her own study guide to fill this gap.

Rita has built an international reputation for her project management theory, techniques, and certifications. In 1991 she founded a project management training company RMC. This company that Rita founded continues to create innovative education solutions that will help people learn new skills and advance in their careers. PM FASTrack (Rita PMP Exam simulator) was developed by Rita’s company, RMC. The first version was developed 15 years ago, the PM FASTrack Cloud version 9 is a simulator prepared for the 2020 PMP Exams, compatible with the PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition.

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Pros & Cons of Rita PMP Exam Simulator

Language Aid

PMI provides optional language assistance (Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, French, German, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Turkish, Korean, Russian) in PMP exams to candidates whose first language is not English. PMI does not charge any additional fees for language assistance or aid. This language aid is available for questions and answer options. Although some people argue that using language aid in the real exam is a disadvantage or not, this is out of the topic at the moment. What I want to mention here, PM FASTrack (Rita PMP Exam Simulator) also provides language assistance for 3 languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic). Those who speak other languages must use the Rita PMP Exam Simulator in English.

Exam Report

Once you finish the practice exam on the PM FASTrack simulator, you will see the exam results and more on one single screen. There are many topics I would like to convey about this screen. Because it carries a lot of data. In the upper left corner, it shows your exam success with the number of correct and incorrect answers and percentages. Although PMI does not reveal any clear information about passing percentage, we can assume the exam passing percentage is 65%. The 72% value in this sample screenshot will probably be enough to pass the exam. However, the indication also says that there is a need to practice more on exams. Because 72% rating is not in a safe zone.

There are 2 fields that I present to you, marked in the upper right corner. The total time in the real PMP exam will be 4 hours and you will be asked to answer 200 questions. However, there is no time limit in the PM FASTrack demo test. It’s not like the real test. During the Rita PMP Exam Simulator test, you can deal with several different things and then go back to the test exam. This may seem like an advantage for test exams. However, Rita PMP Exam Simulator is not a good example of simulation in this respect, since it does not create time stress like solving the real exam. Another piece of information is, based on your average speed per question, it presents the projection of how many questions you can solve in the 4-hour time limit.

Best PMP Exam Simulator

In the lower parts of the screen, success percentages are shared for each process group. Similar information is shared in real PMP exam results, not with a percentage but with some tags like “Needs improvement”, “Above Target”, etc.

Exam Dashboard

On the Exam Dashboard screen of Rita PMP Exam Simulator, you can see the status of your past exams and throughout this page, you can access a screen just like on the exam report. Thus, you can review the status of your old exams and review the mistakes you made. The historical track also makes it possible to see your progress or regression. To the left of this screenshot is “Study Tips”. They give answers to frequently asked questions such as: “How do I analyze my results?”, “How many exam simulations should I take?”, “How are simulation exam questions created?”, etc.

Focus Tests

This part is not available in the demo version of Rita PMP Exam Simulator, you can only access it in the full version. You can start smaller tests based on Process Groups, Knowledge Areas, or Keywords here. You can use this feature to improve your knowledge after you identify your weaknesses in your test exams. Of course, it would be good to increase your knowledge with the PMBOK Guide or other study books before. Focus Tests are a useful tool to improve your deficiencies and weaknesses in any Process Groups or Knowledge Areas.

You can set the number of questions for your focus test but the upper limit depends on the maximum number of related questions in the question database of the PM FASTrack simulator. You can select any process groups (Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring&Controlling, Closing) or knowledge areas (Integration, Scope, Schedule, Cost, Quality, Resource, Communications, Risk, Procurement, Stakeholder Management) or any keyword you choose like WBS, Project Charter, Network Diagram, etc.

Best PMP Exam Simulator

Question Review and Explanations

On the Exam Report screen of Rita PMP Exam Simulator, there stands a button titled “REVIEW TEST”. This button enables you to see your answers against the correct ones. You can see your correct answers and wrong answers by passing through each question one by one.

Your incorrect answers will be marked in red. Correct answers are marked in green. Unfortunately, the wrong or correct answers are not displayed on a single page.  I’d rather be able to see it on a single screen and focus on the wrong questions. I didn’t like that, this feature is missing.

If you need more explanation for your wrong answers, you can access the explanations and references in the related resource with the “Explanation” button. I believe that you will be satisfied with the explanations. At the bottom of each explanation, you will see related Knowledge Area, Process Group, Reference guide, and its page number.  It is very good for your reading and make better of yourself on the road to the PMP Exam.


PM FASTrack Simulator Questions

PM FASTrack PMP Exam Simulator v9 has a database of more than 1600 questions. All of the questions are compatible with the 2020 PMP Exam (version 10 includes 2,000 questions and it is aligned with 2021 PMP Exams). So it has references to PMBOK Guide version 6 and Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic language aids for each question.

Rita PMP Exam Simulator, which is 15 years old now, was previously distributed on CD, is now available online under the name of “PM FASTrack Cloud” at the RMC Learning Solutions website. I cannot say that I am experiencing the real test atmosphere due to some visual differences. Also, the cloud-based simulator allows you to practice from your computer or a tablet (A 6-inch screen minimum).

Best PMP Exam Simulator

RMC Learning Solutions states that they frequently update 1600 questions. Also, all 1600 questions are cross-referenced with Rita Mulcahy’s PMP Exam Preparation textbook. This makes it easier and faster to reach and examine the subject you are curious about. Also, there are unlimited test retakes available during your subscription period.

In my opinion, the real exam is a bit harder than the Rita PMP Exam Simulator questions. I am not implying that all questions are simple. There are plenty of very difficult questions like real exam quality, but not all. This is my review and it is aligned with several other people’s opinions. But, please note that there are other experiences stating that their exam results and simulator test results are very close. All in all, if you are scoring 75-80% or better in Rita Exam Simulator, most probably you will be able to pass the actual PMP exam.

Rita PMP Exam Simulator

Rita PM FASTrack PMP Exam Simulator Pricing

Rita PMP Exam Simulator has 2 offers depending on the subscription period:

  • PM FASTrack® Cloud – PMP® Exam Simulator – Version 9 – 6 Month
  • PM FASTrack® Cloud – PMP® Exam Simulator – Version 9 – 12 Month

A 6-month period subscription for Rita PM FASTrack Cloud Exam Simulator costs 259 USD, and a 12-month period subscription costs 299 USD.

Existing Version 9 users will be able to make a free upgrade to version 10 (for the new 2021 exam) for the remaining time of their subscription period.

PM FASTrack® Cloud – PMP® Exam Simulator – Version 10 is also available at the same price. This version of the Rita PMP Exam Simulator is aligned with 2021 PMP Exams and moreover, this membership contains more than 2,000 questions.

RMC Learning also provides bulk discounts for groups with a minimum of 5 students and a 10% discount. Depending on the size of the group, the discounts may go up to 30% at most.

Best PMP Exam Simulator

RMCLS states that only digital products that have not been accessed can be returned. Accessed digital products are not returned. A refund or exchange request must be made within 30 days of purchase and the refund policy applies only to products purchased through the RMCLS website. Rita PMP Exam Simulator has also stated that bulk orders containing more than 10 products cannot be refunded.

Rita PMP Simulator Free Demo

The good news is on the way. Here is the web address for FREE Rita PMP Simulator demo:

If you visit this web address, you will see this screen above. Select the product “PM FASTrack v9 PMP” and fill the very short form with your name and mail address. Make sure you take the time to test this demo before clicking the “Launch Demo” button. Because on the next page, you are directed to a quiz simulation consisting of 25 questions.

You can examine the question types that the database contains in this demo exam consisting of 25 questions. I just explained the features, but if you want more details, you can find extra information there. You can score your exam at any time while answering the exam questions. After you score your demo, you can review your answers, explanations for the correct answers, and references to other study materials. Your demo exam data and score will be lost at the end of your web session. Therefore, if you experience an interruption (e.g. run out of battery, internet connection problem) while using the demo, you will have to start over with the demo exam.

Best PMP Exam Simulator

The Rita FASTrack PMP Exam demo 25-questions set is the same every time, but the order of the questions may change. Full-length exam simulations, knowledge-focused tests, process groups, or keywords are the content that you can find in paid subscriptions. You will not see these modes in the demo version.

Rita PMP Exam Simulator

Rita PM FASTrack PMP Exam Simulator Summary

To sum up, the Rita PM FASTrack simulator contains balanced 200-question quizzes. Rita PMP Exam Simulator offers an interface of exam results that helps you to focus on weak areas and improve them. It has a quiz review mode that includes short explanations of the correct answers. There are study modes that allow you to take quizzes focused by Domain, Process Group, Knowledge Area, or any keyword. All existing questions are cross-referenced with PMBOK Guide or PMP textbooks.

But most of these features exist in almost all PMP Exam simulators. Also, 259 USD or 299 USD cost is pricy for Rita PM FASTrack Exam Simulator. Rita PMP Exam Simulator is definitely expensive for many PMP candidates. Additionally, as I mentioned earlier in this post, in my opinion, the question quality is a bit lower than the real exam questions.

Best PMP Exam Simulator

All in all, I suggest you check other PMP exam simulator options, see their reviews, ratings and make your own decision.